[Follow-up] Illegal implementation of a new electronic voting system
The state has brought a second charge of criminal disorderly conduct against a volunteer serving MN Supreme Court case A22-1081
When individuals and small groups step up to hold the line or are singled out unfairly (or worse) it is up to we the people to support them so that they do not stand alone.
What follows is a cross-post (republishing) from a Dakota County email list that I’m on.
The topic of MN Supreme Court Case A22-1081 was previously discussed here shortly after the incident discussed below, and published before (to my knowledge) any other news agencies or companies or media reported on it.
A22-1081’s aim was to “prevent the illegal implementation of a new electronic voting system as defined by the Election Assistance Commission.”
Drew Roach who served the papers to then (since resigned) council member in Rosemount, but “almost three months after the incident, the state has brought a second charge of criminal disorderly conduct against Drew. This second charge was added based on the report of a Rosemount police officer who was not even at the scene that evening.” This was after police on the scene found no issue with Drew’s conduct.
The next court date is 12/15/22.
To me, this all feels like a kind of intimidation to dissuade case filings such as this one, which effectively threatened the illegal implementation of the electronic voting system in Minnesota affecting all voters where it was used:
Read the full 117 pages of exhibits from the A22-1081 Supreme Court Filing
Hello, Patriots!
I know we are in the season where there are a lot of people asking for donations. Yet, it seems good to again send an appeal for help for Drew Roach! Drew was one of five Dakota County Patriots who volunteered to serve process on the city of Rosemount in August in an attempt to prevent the illegal implementation of a new electronic voting system as defined by the Election Assistance Commission.
After he and his girlfriend had peacefully and politely completed service of process by putting the case papers down on the step, they turned to leave, only to find themselves physically blocked, verbally threatened, and finally physically assaulted. The evening this occurred, based on impartial witness statements, the officers on the scene determined Drew to be the victim of assault, and therefore did not charge him with a crime.
Yet. the assault did not end there. Despite being recognized as a victim at the scene, thirty days later, Drew found himself charged, not by the City of Rosemount, but by the State of Minnesota with criminal disorderly conduct and brawling. Now, as of October 25, 2022, almost three months after the incident, the state has brought a second charge of criminal disorderly conduct against Drew. This second charge was added based on the report of a Rosemount police officer who was not even at the scene that evening.
Additionally, Drew has been slandered in the local and state newspapers, and based on those biased reports, his small business has been targeted and defamed on social media. It is an outrage that a citizen who was brutalized after preforming a normal and required legal action finds himself repeatedly bludgeoned and punished. It is an offense against all Minnesotans, but certainly against all patriots, that he as a victim is being victimized again and again!
This family needs help! Please take a stand with them! The next court date is December 15, 2022.
1. Please pray:
That Drew's family will be upheld and grow in their faith.
That true justice is done and the real criminals will receive the due penalty for their actions.
That Drew's attorney will be moved in his heart and conscience to do all that he can to truly defend Drew.
That the judge in the case will clearly see the injustice that is being perpetrated by the state against the victim of a crime,
and be moved in their heart and conscience to dismiss all the charges completely.
2. Please support Drew's business:
Essential Carpet Cleaners, LLC
3. Please give to help cover Drew's legal expenses:
Due to the state involvement, it's believed this case will go to trial, and the initial expenses will be between $8,000 and $10,000.
Please use the links below to give through a Give Butter account setup for Drew by Rick Weible. So far we have raised $1,121.45. Thank you to those of you who have donated! Many have been giving directly to Drew Roach by sending the check to below address. That is probably the most bang for your donation.
Checks with Roach Family on the memo line can be sent to:
Midwest Swamp Watch
PO Box 8301
Brookings, SD 57006-8301
Thank you!